
ARTA SPERTO - Danse First Think Later

Arta Sperto is an entity dedicated to the curation, production, organization, and publication of artistic projects, mainly of a multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary nature. Without a designated physical location, it develops its projects in partnership with cultural actors or within public spaces, whether in urban or natural environments.

For more information : Website

Project: Danse First Think Later

The project “Dance First Think Later” takes the form of a festival-exhibition organized from October 10 to November 10, 2024, with a separate project at HEAD Genève on February 21 and 22, 2025. The performances explore dance as a field of reflection and artistic, physical, sensitive, and aesthetic experimentation, addressing various societal domains such as architecture, gender, migration, ecology, deceleration, politics, and history, as well as notions such as care, perspective, sharing, and transmission.

Arta Sperto is a structure dedicated to the curation, production, organization, and publishing of artistic projects, mainly multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary. Without a fixed location, it develops its projects in available spaces, in collaboration with cultural partners, or in public spaces. Arta Sperto’s DNA is original and innovative within the cultural landscape of Geneva and Switzerland. With its two biennial events presented alternately—Dance First Think Later, which explores the converging fields of dance, performance, visual arts, and moving images, and KorSonoR, dedicated to sound and visual arts—Arta Sperto lays the foundation for a “transdisciplinary art center” that brings together visual, performing, and sound arts. Its goal is to support and present transversal artistic practices, which are increasingly significant in today’s and tomorrow’s artistic production.



Alina Arshi (IN, 1997, basée à Lausanne)
Marco Berrettini & Alice Gervais-Ragu (IT/CH, 1963, basé à Genève / FR, 1977, basée à Paris)
Boris Charmatz (FR, 1973, basé à Wuppertal)
Padmini Chettur (IN, 1970, basée à Chennai)
Ruth Childs & Cécile Bouffard (GB/US/CH, 1984, basée à Lausanne / FR, 1987, basée à Paris)
DD Dorvillier (US/FR, 1967, basée en Bourgogne)
Carole Douillard & Babette Mangolte (FR/DZ, 1971, basée à Paris / FR/US, 1941, basée à New York)
Gerard & Kelly (US, 1978/1979, basés à Paris)
Pascal Greco (CH/IT, 1978, basé à Genève)
Marie-Caroline Hominal (CH, 1978, basée à Genève)
Joan Jonas (US, 1936, basée à New York)
Tamar Kisch (IL/NL, 1997, basée à Tel Aviv)
La Tierce – Sonia Garcia, Séverine Lefèvre, Charles Pietri (FR, basés à Bordeaux)
Cynthia Lefebvre (FR, 1989, basée à Paris)
Jérôme Leuba (CH, 1970, basé à Genève)
Ola Maciejewska (PL, 1984, basée à Paris)
Anna Massoni (FR, 1985, basée à Paris)
Emily Mast (US, 1976, basée à Los Angeles)
Eszter Salamon (HU, 1970, basée à Berlin, Paris, Bruxelles)
Juliette Uzor (CH, 1992, basée à Zurich)
Tyra Wigg (CH, 1989, basés à Bâle)

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Fondation de bienfaisance Pierre et Andrée Haas
Rue du Vieux-Collège 8, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland

Banque Migros SA
IBAN : CH65 0840 1000 0655 0363 5


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