
Satellites of Art - Round Tables

Satellites of Art is an organization dedicated to promoting art from emerging countries and encouraging inclusive debate and social impact through visual arts. The aim is to increase the visibility of art on the international stage and facilitate fair transactions between artists and buyers worldwide.

By highlighting art from emerging countries, the organization acts as a catalyst for social change and inclusive dialogue. It is committed to connecting and empowering artists, buyers, and art enthusiasts through online platforms and special events.

Additionally, the organization organizes exhibitions and events to promote art and facilitate cultural exchanges.

For more information : Website

1. 2024 Series of Round Tables on Art and Social Change

“Art as a Catalyst for Change: Dialogues for a More Socially Just World”

The connection between art and social change is both fascinating and relevant. Art has the power to transcend borders and inspire conversation and change. Recognizing this potential, Satellites of Art is launching an ambitious project aimed at harnessing the transformative power of visual arts to address societal issues and promote human rights.

In 2024, a series of six stimulating and festive events will be organized, providing a platform where artists and the public can engage in meaningful dialogue. These round tables are designed to raise awareness and understanding of the transformative power of art in society.

2. Event 1: Arts and Education (Supported by the Haas Foundation)

  • How can art promote education and awareness of social issues?
  • The role of art in schools and educational institutions.

Panel Discussion:
Rafat Asad & Nour Shammah: Al-Studio Ramallah Artists
Martin Walch: Artist and Director of The Art School Liechtenstein
Silvia Naef: Professor at the University of Geneva

This project aims to create a global dialogue on the transformative power of art, encouraging diversity of perspectives and actively involving participants in meaningful discussions.

2. Event 2: Art and Mental Health / Positive Mental Transformation (Supported by the Haas Foundation)

  • How can art be used as a therapeutic tool to improve mental health?
  • What are the benefits of artistic expression in the healing process of mental disorders?
  • How do artists use their work to address mental health issues in society?
  • What challenges do people with mental disorders face when trying to engage in artistic activities?
  • What is the role of art in raising awareness of mental health issues and reducing associated stigma?

Panel Discussion:
Luigi Olivadoti, Swiss Artist
Asmaa Bashashah, Libyan Artist
Anastasia Klymenko, Ukrainian Artist
Christopher Bailey, Arts and Health, WHO
Rana Yazaji, Arts and International Cooperation, ZHdK

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Fondation de bienfaisance Pierre et Andrée Haas
Rue du Vieux-Collège 8, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland

Banque Migros SA
IBAN : CH65 0840 1000 0655 0363 5


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